Temporary Agreement Custody: What You Need to Know

In many divorce proceedings, one of the most contentious issues is custody of children. However, sometimes custody arrangements need to be made before a final divorce decree is issued. In such cases, temporary agreements are put in place to determine where the children will reside during the interim period.

What is Temporary Agreement Custody?

Temporary agreement custody is a preliminary legal arrangement that is made during a divorce proceeding to determine where the child or children will live before a final order is issued. This agreement is generally made to ensure that the children’s needs are met while the divorce proceedings are ongoing.

In a temporary agreement custody arrangement, one parent may have primary physical custody, or the parents may share custody in a “joint custody” arrangement. The length of time for which the temporary custody agreement is in place depends on the jurisdiction and the complexity of the divorce proceedings. In some cases, it may be in place for only a few weeks, while in other cases, it could last for several months.

Benefits of Temporary Agreement Custody

One of the biggest benefits of temporary agreement custody is that it provides a stable living situation for the children while the divorce is ongoing. This stability can help children to adjust better to the new circumstances and minimize any potential negative impact on their well-being.

Another benefit of temporary agreement custody is that it allows parents to work out custody arrangements without the need for a court order. This can be a more cost-effective and efficient way to resolve custody issues.

Top Considerations for Temporary Agreement Custody

When considering a temporary custody arrangement, there are several important factors to keep in mind:

1. Children’s Best Interests: The foremost consideration when deciding custody is the best interest of the children. The temporary custody agreement should prioritize the children’s safety, stability, and well-being.

2. Parenting Time: The parenting time of both parents should be considered when creating the temporary agreement. The schedule should be designed with the children’s best interests in mind and should be flexible enough to accommodate any changes in the parents’ schedules.

3. Communication: Communication between both parents is important during the interim period. A plan should be in place to ensure that both parents are informed about the children’s medical appointments, school schedules, extracurricular activities, and any other important events.


Temporary agreement custody is an important aspect of divorce proceedings involving children. It provides stability and a sense of security for children during the interim period. When making a temporary agreement custody arrangement, it is important to prioritize the children’s best interests, consider parenting time, and ensure open communication between both parents.