Are you considering transferring from a community college in Washington to a four-year university? If so, you may benefit from the Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA) Washington program.
What is the DTA Washington program? It is a statewide agreement between community colleges and universities that ensures the transferability of credits from community colleges to universities. This agreement is designed to help students save time and money by enabling them to complete their lower-division general education requirements at a community college before transferring to a university to complete their bachelor`s degree.
The DTA Washington program guarantees that students who complete the requirements of the agreement will be able to transfer to a participating university with junior standing and have the lower-division general education requirements fulfilled. This agreement applies to all public universities in the state of Washington and to some private universities.
The program requires students to complete a minimum requirement of 90 quarter credits and a minimum GPA of 2.0. Students must also complete specific courses that meet the requirements of the agreement. These courses include English composition, communication, quantitative reasoning, natural sciences, humanities, and social sciences.
In addition to fulfilling transfer requirements, the DTA Washington program provides various benefits to students. For instance, students who complete the program can save money on tuition fees as community college tuition is generally cheaper than university tuition. Students can also benefit from smaller class sizes and personalized attention from instructors at community colleges.
To participate in the DTA program, students must first enroll in a community college in Washington and declare their intention to transfer to a university. Students should work closely with their academic advisors to ensure they are on track to complete the program`s requirements. Universities that participate in the program also have advisors available to help students successfully transfer and complete their bachelor`s degree.
In conclusion, if you are considering transferring from a community college to a university in Washington, the DTA program can be a valuable resource. This program guarantees that credits will transfer, saving students time and money. Talk to your academic advisor to see if this program is right for you.